
After the conference papers were circulated to all the participants at the Sixth International Conference on Sarajevo and the World, Pandemic Perspectives (available at:, 27 participants provided 91 responses. These responses are given below, organised by the title of the paper to which they refer, with the name of the author of the reflection indicated, again following the order by which the authors’ own papers appear in the conference.

Authors are kindly asked to provide their responses, if any, to these comments and reflections by July 15, 2020. Once the Editorial Committee has received all the final responses, a final version of the conference papers will be prepared and circulated.

It is the intention of International Forum Bosnia and the Editorial Committee, once the active work of the conference has been completed:
  • To provide an introduction to the Conference Proceedings what will describe the conference process and present the papers, incorporating the authors' responses and final versions.
  • To publish selected texts from the conference after peer review in two special issues of Forum Bosnae, one in Bosnian (or the other languages of the region) and the other in English/French/German.
Authors are therefore asked to provide final versions of their papers to the Editorial Committee by July 31, 2020, for review and publication.

As noted, this document contains the comments and reflections on the conference papers organised by panel. Most of the reflections relate to specific papers, while three are general comments on the conference as a whole.

Based on the process so far and the high level of participation by so many authors, members and friends of International Forum Bosnia, we are pleased to say that in our view the conference has achieved its goal with a considerable degree of success. We are grateful to everyone who has contributed to this success. We would also like to take this opportunity to reiterate our gratitude not just to the authors of the conference papers but also to the members and friends of International Forum Bosnia without whose support the organisation would not be able to function.

The Friends of IFB
The work of International Forum Bosnia is supported by a wide range of organizations and individuals.